Membership is open to men in the Northern Illinois, northwest Indiana and
southern Wisconsin or wherever you
choose to travel from. Norwegian
heritage is not required, but it doesn't hurt either. If you
print and send this form as instructed, we will include you to our mailing list
for newsletters,
inviting you to all dinners and activities and we even celebrate your birthday.
The dues for the Klub are $40 yearly, which
covers the cost of the mailings and Linie Aquavit in honor of your birthday.
The dinner is currently $35, excluding cocktails
and raffle.
Download a
membership brochure HERE
Any male guest to
the Torske Klub this season, who is 21 - 50 years old, will have his first
dinner paid for by the Klub if he joins the Torske Klub.
For content comments or questions,
contact the
©2025 Chicago Torske Klub |